Wednesday, May 13, 2020


This morning, while exiting the truck, my prized Yeti coffee cup slipped out of my hands.  It crashed mercilessly to the ground before rolling to a stop by the front passenger tire.  I sprung into action, attempting to rescue my precious brew as it glug-glug-gluged on to the asphalt.  

"NOOOOOOO not my Yeti!!!" I exclaimed before plucking it up along with the plastic slider lock that was resting a few inches away.  

"Maybe I can fix it," I thought to myself doubtfully. 

I tossed the lid into my purse, resigning myself to the fact that I would soon be faced with a pricey replacement.  Once settled into my office I attempted a thorough investigation of the damage.  As I set the lock into it's proper position something magical happened...  It snapped into place!

"What in the world?" 

I  pulled the slider off and watched in wide wonder as it once again snapped back into position.  

"It's MAGNETIC!"  I exclaimed, with probably too much excitement.

"How cool is that!?"  

I must have washed that the thing a thousand times or more, always struggling to clean under that lock... and this WHOLE TIME I had NO IDEA it was magnetic!

You know, sometimes it really is the small things...  

xoxo Siren Kimmie

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