Friday, May 1, 2015

Prose and Musings (Excerpts from Kimmie's Old Blog)

A Quiet Moment

Today the sky has a beautiful azure hue, punctuated by soft billowy clouds. There's a strong wind that reminds me of change--It feels like a promise. I close my eyes and let it wash over me. The sun kisses my face with soft adoration. I toss my head back in gentle response. Folding my arms--encircling myself in a protective embrace. Breathing in deeply the warm fragrant air, which hints heavily of last night's rainfall. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I think of him. "Lover..." I whisper, before inhaling his name, the corners of my mouth answer through an acquiescent smile.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Casting Shadows

Birthed by daylight.
Spread across the mind and heart.
He is illusive.
Drifting in unison with the dawdling time.
An apparition masking a cool grayed surface.

He vanishes with the darkness.
A memory. A whisper.
Yet sustaining light keeps its promise.
He returns with radiance
Casting shadows of his own.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Mother Ocean

The pungent salty smell is the first to attack the senses, causing an immediate clearing of the mind. Breathing in deeply as the sea air expands the lungs…Exhale to expel the remnants of the city. Soft white sand creeps between toes as the music of crashing waves hints of her serenity. Gulls squawk their song in response while darting away from foamy breaks along the shore. Her mist clings to downy hair and eyelashes like morning dew on blades of grass. She wreaks havoc on my long mane, creating unruly curls while a perfume of brine covers my skin. Answering her call, I dip my feet into her wetness, her breeze tickling my soul. Walking forward submerging feet, then ankles…Shins…Knees…Thighs…Hastily I dive ahead, skimming just under the surface before rolling onto my back beyond reach of the punishing waves. Her density supports me as I float weightless over the continually swelling, saline surface. She claims me with her tender embrace, allowing me to taste of her energy, experiencing her blissful freedom.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Self Affirmations

She has a friendly face. Her smile brightens up a room. 
Always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. 
Supportive even if she doesn’t always agree with you. 
Faithful to a fault and ready to take a bullet for those she truly cares about. 
She's generous and genuine. She doesn’t know how to tell a lie. 
She cries when she's really happy, sad or angry, but is far from being a whiner or a crybaby. She's much tougher than she's given credit for.
Adversity only makes her stronger.
While she doesn't trust easily, if you're lucky enough to get in, you'll find her heart resting tentative on her sleeve. Break it and you'll have to work hard to get back in.
She believes in second chances but will never be your doormat.
Her biggest heartbreaks are deceit, betrayal and game playing.
You don't have to guess what's on her mind. Ask and she'll tell you.
She never makes promises she can't keep.
She lives her life for herself and those close to her, not for what the world might think.
She laughs easily (especially at dumb jokes) and her laughter is contagious.
She's the kind of person that enriches your life.
She is me.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Return of the Fly

Sometimes I feel like a flying insect too stupid to realize that the glass will stay glass no matter how hard I keep throwing myself into it, hoping I'll get through to the other side.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2005 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 

AUGUST 13, 2015

Bring me the people with depth—with layers of shy, awkward insecurity mixed with strength and confidence. The geeks and misfits. The artists, creators of music, prose, paintings, sculptures--those who build things with their hands. The ones who hunger for knowledge. The creative minds who are always thinking, analyzing and contemplating. Seek out conversations with dreamers and those with endless passion about anything and everything. These are the ones who love fiercely and with their whole being. Experience those who shy away from drama but live every single moment in full, beautiful, bombastic emotion. Spend time with the guarded souls who are afraid to trust because they have truly lived and been damaged by the world, but manage to survive in spite of it--Gain their trust and they will take you on a remarkable journey to their truth. Search for the “real” people. The ones who will feed your spirit. They are unique, special--so very rare. If you win them, they will remain in your life for an eternity. Regardless, you will become a better person for having known them.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2015 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's Facebook Page


MAY 10, 2016

"I've learned that never ... is not such a long time away.... and will surprise you into becoming someday." -
xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2015 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's Facebook page.


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