Friday, November 15, 2019

Nokta Makro Simplex+: Separating Fact from Fiction

From the moment Nokta Makro hinted at the manufacture of the Simplex+, detectorists were instantly a buzz.  And rightfully so.  A fully waterproof, wireless, lightweight machine, packed with advanced features;  boasting great depth and separation at an affordable price?  It sounds too good to be true!

Aside from offering a new option to the entry level detectorists, the Simplex+ has struck fear in the hearts of those who stand to lose a big chunk of the beginner market. Beyond that, the Simplex+ has been performing so well, some individuals have felt compelled to compare it to machines high above its price range. And amazingly the Simplex+ has proved impressive.

Enter the trolls:  Just as quickly as the excitement started to build, so did the attacks and rumors from individuals who had never so much as laid eyes (let alone hands) on a Simplex+.  Some short, but necessary delays added fuel to the fire as these naysayers jumped at any chance to sabotage Simplex+ sales.  Yet, inspite of saboteurs' misleading with improperly set up machines in comparison tests, concocting conspiracy theories, and spreading flat out lies, the Simplex+ stands tall in the crowd. The rumors of a Simplex+ death have been greatly exaggerated (in other words... FALSE!)

So you have to ask - when someone is actively attacking the machine, is it opinion, or do they have an agenda.  Clearly Nokta Makro has an agenda; to put out a superior entry level machine which taps into the lucrative beginner detectorist market. And for consumers this is a GOOD THING. It will force all manufacturers to hit the drawing board and come up with competing machines, resulting in more inexpensive options for detectorists; not to mention breeding advancement in technology.

Meanwhile the Simplex+ has been finding its way into the hands of many well pleased consumers who have given unbiased and very positive feedback.

The Simplex+ is here to stay and is shaking up the metal detecting world...for the better!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting and Nokta Makro Field Team Member)

For more information about the Simplex+ check out my Quick Start Guide on Youtube.
© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Simplex+ Quick Start Guide:

Have you been considering Nokta Makro's Simplex+ metal detector? This is the machine everyone has been talking about - Low price and easy to use, waterproof, wireless, light weight and  packed with tons of advanced features.  Check out the Simplex+ Quick Start Guide for an unboxing, set up, and run down of what it has to offer.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting and Nokta Makro Field Team Member)

© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:
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Nokta Makro Field Team (NOMADS) Facebook Page:

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Siren Kimmie's On The Field Team

I was passively shopping for a new metal detector when I first heard the name Nokta Makro. A little-know machine called the "Anfibio," which was garnering great reviews, had piqued my interest. As I dug deeper, I found a respected manufacturer who met my long list of qualifications; which is important considering any detector I swing would inadvertently find its way into my videos and writing. As such, the Notka Makro Anfibio Multi landed squarely onto my "wish list."

Call it serendipity, but a few weeks later, I was approached to lend my voice to a podcast commercial for none other than Nokta Makro Detectors. In exchange, I earned the very machine I had been coveting from afar! It was almost as if the universe was trying to tell me something.

I will admit it felt a little odd. Metal Detecting, for me, is about recovering history; so it had never occurred to me to use the hobby as an income source or payment-in-kind. But turning down a gig which compensated with free equipment would just be silly--So long as it was not at the expense of my integrity of course. Being that I was not asked to offer any opinion or endorsement, my conscience was clear; I became the proud owner of a Nokta Makro Anfibio Multi.

As time went by, I quickly fell in love with the Anfibio.  Meeting with success right off the bat I began sharing my finds as well as my excitement with the online community. So, it really should have come as no surprise when I found myself in conversation with Nokta Makro about joining their field team. Yet, during our initial discussions, I kept hearing David Byrne's voice in my head.

"How did I GET here?"

There are some who would jump at the chance for a sponsorship opportunity without even hesitating. However, being an over thinker, I wound up in a deep moral conversation with myself. Certainly, I would never risk my reputation on a product I do not have confidence in; nor would I align with anyone who does not mesh with my beliefs and personality. In fact, I have declined offers in the past citing one or more of those reasons. I also wouldn't want to be in a situation where metal detecting becomes "work". But with Nokta Makro, everything just happened so organically... I was already using their product and loved it. I already knew Nokta Makro had a good reputation.  Everything just seemed to fit.  Most importantly, it was understood and encouraged that I would remain honest in my reviews and critique.

Finally, what capped it off for me, was the type of team Nokta Makro is intent on building. They are not looking for "yes men." They did not seek out the most "popular" social media detectorists or bring in "YouTube stars." They chose me to be a part of their team because of the reputation I have gained through my videos, blog posts, and social media presence. I felt a tremendous sense of pride when I realized, Nokta Makro saw me as a person of character and integrity (there is that word again). This of course bolstered my confidence in Nokta Makro as a company and solidified my decision to become a part of their field team.

So there it is. I am officially a field team member for Nokta Makro Detectors. I am excited for this next adventure, it should be GREAT fun!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting and now... Nokta Makro Field Team Member)

PS! If you want to give a listen to the podcast commercial that started it all check out All Metal Mode!

© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:
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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Home...Beer...Bath (In That Order)

I just finished a quick dig in 109 degree weather.  I'm sweaty, overheated, and certainly look a sight. But I made a necessary stop at the grocery on the way home for some essentials and sundries.  I mindlessly apologized to the clerk for my appearance as I paid for my items; explaining the well-earned six pack (as if it's any of his business).

"I've been working in the yard," I fibbed.

"Oh, I can appreciate that," he replied in an understanding voice.

Sometimes you just don't have it in you to field the 500 questions that inevitably arise when you mention that you're a metal detectorist. 

I just wanted home, beer, that order.

As I climbed into the tub with my frosty brew, I glanced down at my legs to discover my knees, caked in dirt.  I knew I looked rough, but I had no IDEA!

Oh well, all in a day's work metal detecting!  (Or a good solid hour and a half before heat exhaustion kicked in anyway).  Happy Dig Sunday everyone!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:
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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Listen Through The Noise

Listen Through The Noise T ShirtYesterday I set out with my detector not only in hopes of finding something cool, but also to clear my mind.  I was annoyed over some inane bit of social media negativity which my brain seemed intent on rehashing.  Pointless I know, yet I couldn't seem to stop my wheels from spinning.

I cranked up my Anfibio and dialed it to "deep mode."

Maybe it was subliminal... Deep thoughts for deep targets???

Either way, I began listening for a decent signal throughout all the blips and bleeps commonly found in a littered area.  I honed my ear in to a little squeak hidden within the scratchy iron sounds and retrieved a coin which was masked by bits of rusty metal and rubbish.  As I was inspecting the find, pleased with myself for having sniffed it out, a proverbial light bulb went off over my head.

Why is it, I seem to have no problem tuning out junk when searching for a good target, but when it comes to daily life I often get tripped up by trashy signals?  Rusty nail groans are easily dismissed while detecting; but in dealing with humans too much time is wasted analyzing negative grunts and grumblings.  Why not apply the same sort of discrimination used in metal detecting when interacting with people?  Just notch out anything counter productive, focus on the quality signals, and really listen through the noise.  Because after all, that's where you find the good stuff!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting and Nokta Makro Field Team Member)

© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Listen Through The Noise T-Shirt

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Friday, May 24, 2019

The Tale of Two Ladies

Their lives were markedly different, each with their own tale to tell.  One was well-loved while the other clearly experienced a much rougher existence. When detailing how they came to rest in the "Siren Hall of Honor" their stories were strikingly similar.  Then on one crisp winter day their paths would suddenly and remarkably intertwine:

"It was early in the year 2019," described 1941 "as I sat dormant in the dark, damp earth. I thought today would be just like any other; struggling to keep warm, praying water would not fall from the sky.

"I passed the time away, thinking of days gone by, when I would enjoy jingling in a local pocket with friends, or chatting away in a cozy cash drawer. 

"The memories played before me like a film; so real I could actually hear the sound of the register bell.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

"Suddenly, I was jolted from my dream as the chiming grew louder right above my resting place.

"'That ringing is real,' I no sooner thought to myself before the ground began to tremble and the earth shifted all around me."

"If I had a voice I would have surely screamed, fearing at any moment I would succumb to the jaws of the angry plow creature as was the demise of so many of my kind.

"My life flashed before me as a different beeping began, coupled with a strange sort of vibration that traveled through my entire being.  It grew in intensity as I was lifted in a clod of soil and gently flipped over before a bright blinding light was shinned upon my face.

"'That light!' I thought, 'that warm, glorious light!'

"Rays of sunshine dappled through what was once my earthly tomb. I had not seen the light of day many years I lost count!

"I then heard a loud gasp as I was plucked from the earth and clenched tightly into the trembling fist of my rescuer.

Siren Kimmie, as she came to be known, proceeded to shout excitedly.  At first I thought she was angry.  She cursed repeatedly and called upon God.  I heard other voices too, 'detectorists', who responded with the same odd mix of anger and excitement.

"'Are you $!&*%@# KIDDING me?' a man shouted as he grabbed me and began a through inspection; while the other detectorist told Siren Kimmie to 'shut up', which I thought was kind of rude.  I became even more confused as then they started to rave about my beauty; now seeming well-pleased with my rescue.  But none more so than Siren Kimmie who subjected me to a careful examination and a gentle cleaning before my age was announced. 

"I had no time to consider this odd behavior as I was placed into a warm, dry pouch.  Initially I feared I would return to a life of darkness but was quickly lulled by the sound of voices and the soft hum of an engine.

"Once we arrived at the Siren Estate, Kimmie provided me with what can only be described as 'the full spa treatment'.  I was given a warm, lavish bath and placed on a velvet bed.  I was then carried into the Siren Hall of Honor, also known as the 'Relic Room' where I was introduced to the sister I didn't even know I had: 1941.

"While telling her story, I learned how 1941 was also rescued in the same fashion just one week earlier.  Both of us ever so grateful to the circumstances which brought us together; we now live a much pampered life, in a climate controlled environment.  We have a new home, with a large family of coveted coins and artifacts, where we watch the sun rise and set each and every day."

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Day My Friend Became a Hashtag

I had just received notice that I had been chosen as a "Vaughan Garrett Favorite Find of the Month" for my confederate tongue buckle. I only vaguely remember writing the article, retelling the story of how I had found this rare piece of history.
One of my best friends, Kirk Keller, was with me that day and told me how happy he was to witness its recovery.  For a historian and relic hunter, this is the stuff of dreams.

"I actually found something with CS on it!" I shouted with utter excitement.

Kirk teased in response, "I've NEVER found something with CS on it you little stinker!"

A veteran detectorist, Kirk was the kind of guy that found joy in the achievements of others.  He celebrated along with me that day, as a mentor and a friend--his excitement matching my own.  And certainly a part of him will forever be attached to the buckle he once held in his hands.

When I wrote the article, Kirk had taken ill. I had received word that he had been transported by life-flight to the hospital.  I numbly wrote, in some odd attempt at positive vibes and feeling close to him as I tried to recapture the moment. Kirk had been retelling important facts about the land we were detecting--I always soaked in any knowledge he wished to impart--eager to learn and assist in his work with the historical society.  Our little team was in the process of piecing together civil war troop moments through the area and we spent long hours pouring over history and research.

"You are a natural at relic ID. You have a true passion for history and a heart for adventure." he would say, as if trying to convince me.

In the coming days Kirk passed away and was put to rest.  I had all but forgotten about submitting the article--too wrapped up in grief over the loss of my friend.  As I tried to focus on daily life, just as he would have demanded, I thought of him constantly.

The weeks rolled on.  I still missed him dearly but my sadness was now miraculously coupled with a smile; just as he promised would happen when discussing the loss of our friend Steve.

I take great comfort in little reminders of Kirk, so the announcement that my buckle had won felt like a much needed visit with my dear friend.  Reading over my words again, recalling the day, was bitter sweet, and I couldn't help but tag him as I posted the article to my Facebook page.

He would have been so exited over the win, taking the opportunity to "brag on me" in embarrassing enthusiasm.  I know it seems silly, tagging him, knowing he is far beyond the realm of social media, but I felt somehow spurned by his continued pride in me. So I "shared" it with him as I would have done in the past--my feeble attempt at connecting. I found myself looking over his Facebook page which continues to be filled with memories, anecdotes and messages expressing grief as well as happiness at the fortune of knowing this boisterous, fun-loving man.

Suddenly, I felt a stabbing in my chest over the thought that "Kirk the person" was gone and was somehow reduced to nothing more than a hashtag.  #kirkstrong I saw repeated over and over.  It was clear he left an indelible mark on the community with all of the lives he touched.  But I felt overly protective of his memory, as if somehow it was mine alone; arrogant, I know!

My fear was that Kirk and his life were being trivialized in some way

These misplaced feelings quickly turned to joy however, as I realized with each post, that every person commenting was doing so out of this same place of love.

As I pictured Kirk's reaction to his name in a hashtag I instantly began to laugh.  Who was I kidding? He would be "tickled" and certainly humbled, as was his way.

When you think of the impact Kirk had on everyone who knew him, the overwhelming tribute and the many ways he is being honored, it doesn't seem so silly after all!

It is plainly obvious that Kirk Keller is well-loved and highly respected as those of us struggle to adjust to this tremendous loss.  And while Kirk continues to live on through his hard work and good deeds, his legacy also carries on in these shared memories, stories, and yes... even though hashtags.


xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)
© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:
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Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Tale of St. Siren (A Limerick)

There once was a detectress so fine sir.
Siren Kimmie, they say, there's none wiser.
Till too much wine she did drink...
while hunting relics I think...
the lass dug her way straight down to Chiner.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)
© 2019 Siren Kimmie/Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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