Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wine is Life

Stress weighs heavy on a tired soul. 
Dragging down. Her shoulders strain against the days tension as if preparing for impact. 

The cork extracts from the bottle with a swift pop before the almost-black liquid gently flows into the glass. 

Her hands cup the bowl, protectively embracing the large vessel as if any moment this joy will be stolen. 

Eagerly the glass is raised to her mouth with a deep, slow breath before drawing the heady substance across her delighted tongue. 

A tingling sensation tempts while the slightly-fruity but dry libation is eagerly swallowed down.  

Pink hues flush her face in response to the burning warmth. The corners of a once frowning mouth begin to pull upward in an involuntary smile.  The kind of smile that seems to be hiding a delicious secret. 

Sighing contentedly she raises the glass to her lips for another deep draw of the intoxicating substance. 

Heat begins to flow down, reaching into her core, then traveling through every inch of her body. 

Shoulders drop in a sweet surrender.  The fight has ended.

Red wine, you win! You know my mind and understand precisely what I need.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments: