Thursday, September 10, 2015

Spamming and Slamming

A few days ago I let loose the Girls Rock Metal Detecting website upon the masses of Facebook. I have been a contributing member, sharing finds and engaging with other detectorists in social media communities since the day I started metal detecting almost four years ago. I am a video narrator and on other channels and have created banners and graphics for different pages as well as being an active moderator of various Facebook groups. While I did effectuate a profile change when undertaking the Girls Rock Metal Detecting project, and may seem like a new face, I still felt comfortable posting the website, which is completely on topic. I had also received an amazing response from moderators who encouraged me to post links, blog articles, videos, or "whatever I wanted."  Needless to say, I was quite shocked when someone accused me of being a spammer and a non-participant in the groups.

What exactly is spam?  "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site..." "It is named after Spam, a luncheon meat, by way of a Monty Python sketch in which Spam is included in every dish. The food is stereo-typically disliked/unwanted, ..." Thank you Wikipedia! I think it's safe to say that I was not hurling canned meat at anyone so we'll go with the electronic definition of spam. I was not selling anything and I never posted the link more than one time to any group. While it is true, I did post the link to multiple groups, I am an active member in these groups and wished to share my website with each group much like I do with finds, videos or blog articles. Those of us belonging to multiple groups have grown accustomed to seeing posts more than once, accepting this as a harmless side effect. (We could get into semantics about how there are way too many metal detecting groups but I didn't create the Facebook world I just reside in it -- Plus I love the variety!)  Next, speaking to relevancy, as a member of a "metal detecting group" there is an assumption of risk that you will see metal detecting links (gasp!). However, an amazing little tool known as a "scroll bar" allows you to scroll through posts until you find something that catches your fancy. Bottom line, your personal lack of interest in a post does not make it spam.

There are two things an innocent bystander may not know about me: 1) I have a tremendous passion for metal detecting and 2) I have an out-of-control creative side that regularly assumes full dominion over my being, plunging me into projects it feels will sedate my artistic cravings. From this, Girls Rock Metal Detecting was conceived. While it is true, the idea was born out of a vision to provide a platform for female detectorists to fully express themselves, it would be disingenuous not to point out the benefits I am being afforded. Girls Rock Metal Detecting has tapped into a side of me that has been dormant for some time--The imaginative artsy side who is so excited to have a reason to write, create graphics, produce videos, engineer film and sounds, and to interact with others in a hobby that is truly inspiring. The one thing I am NOT getting out of this is money! I never intended for Girls Rock Metal Detecting to generate a revenue of any sort. I have long since learned that it is difficult to find a job in the arts that actually pays the bills, so I must hold down a 40 hour a week career to keep a roof over my head.  I truly believe, because this project is not money driven, what I am doing comes for a pure and true place in my heart (as corny as that sounds). I hope this honesty translates through the videos and my social media content. I realize not everyone will understand and appreciate what I'm doing, but I really hope you'll give it a chance.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Monday, August 31, 2015

Building Up or Tearing Down

I have never claimed to be overly mature.  I’m a proud member of the Peter Pan generation and I refuse to grow up.  I like toys, I love to play and I plan on staying young forever (if only at heart).  I fully encourage this behavior in everyone.  However, I do not subscribe to the mentality of keyboard warriors, who hold fast to cliché cliquey high school ignorance. 

Social media, historically, has been a breeding ground for spreading hate and nastiness because it comes with no real consequences.  You can say something unkind to another person and walk away from the keyboard into your own existence; never having to answer for your behavior.

Mean girls (and boys), fueled by jealousy, boredom or a complete lack of social grace and etiquette, take every opportunity to tear others down.  It's quite sad really.  I cannot imagine any person truly feeling GOOD about themselves as they are belittling or insulting and hurting another human being.  There is enough hate in the world, that here, in the metal detecting community, where we all have something in common, you would think everyone could get along. Instead there are accusations of staged finds, back biting and tormenting behavior that leaves me shaking my head on an almost daily basis.

Meanwhile, I will just sit back and watch karma sort it all out.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Wood Nymphs and Other Tales...

She is continually asked what she finds so intriguing about metal detecting.

What is the appeal?

This particularly humid summer day leaves her considering this question as sweat drips down the small of her back and hair clings to her face.  She mindlessly brushes a wayward stand out of her eye, leaving a streak of dirt across her cheek.  Mosquitoes and other biting insects buzz around, attempting to make her their next meal.  She shakes her head in response and notices a twig which she plucks from her now disheveled do.  Her knees and backside are dirty and she is pretty sure she has an entire beach-full of sand and earth in her shoes, bra and panties (how it gets there is a mystery)!  

She glances down at broken, mud-encrusted fingernails, taking note of her arms, now covered in thorn scratches and bruises for which she has no recollection of their origin.  By days end her entire body will tell the tale of running around like a wood nymph, navigating briars, hoisting over fallen trees, sliding down crevasses and climbing steep hills. Anyone in their right mind would say this sounds like a horrid way to spend the day.

Breathing in deeply, savoring the smell of dirt, brush, pine and leaves, her mouth curves up in a knowing smile.  Metal detecting puts her in touch with history, this much is true.  She loves digging up relics and imagining what life was like those many years ago.  But the truth of the matter is, beyond the thrill of the hunt, being outdoors, in the dirt, having an intimate connection with nature—what BETTER way to spend the day?

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Introvert Seeks Permission

So, I have a major dilemma.  It has come to the point in my metal detecting career where I am going to have to start asking for permission to dig.  Up until this time I have been on hunts with others or I've stuck to my local parks and "free game" areas.  The problem is, my spots are producing less and less and I am going to have to start branching out if I hope to continue in my beloved hobby.  Now, there are a few places I have been coveting from afar.  The next natural step would be knocking on some doors…Herein lies the quandary.

I always thought I was a "people person".  I mean, I like people. I really do!  I can hold a conversation with just about anyone and I am not judgmental or rude just for the sake of being so.  If I'm having a bad day I don't take it out on others and I try to smile as often as possible, even when it's the last thing I feel like doing.  Yet when a childhood friend asked me for my telephone number instead of communicating through text, I avoided it like I was being asked to perform a speech naked in front of a million people!

"Kimmie, don't tell me you've become an introvert!?!?" he demanded.  

"Nooooo of course not!" I texted in return. 

Flash back to a few months ago when Gary of Heavy Metal Detecting asked me why I wasn't on film more often.  He coaxed me into doing a bit for one of his videos, and while in the process of recording I suddenly became breathless and anxious.  I quite literally felt like I was going to have a heart attack! Gerald was there at the time and asked what was wrong.   

I responded in a panic, "I don't know! Filming this is freaking me out!"  

I forced myself to get through it, but the more I analyzed…I quickly realized, I AM an introvert!  I like to spend time alone.  I always have.  I'm not a big "sharer" when it comes to my feelings, with the exception of those that know me intimately and I don't really have a lot of close friends.  My mum even loves to retell the story when I was a child of how I left my bestie sitting on the front porch for an hour while playing in my room because I forgot she was there.  

So yes, it seems I am, and always have been, an introvert.

Now that we've established this lovely character trait of mine… The point of this whole diatribe--How does an introvert ask for permission to hunt someone’s property?  

I guess we’re about to find out!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Coffee Addition with Organo Gold

It’s no secret that I love coffee.  My Facebook friends can attest to my almost-daily posts that border on obsessiveness.  I even wrote an ode to that wonderful, beautiful, libation years ago called “The Religion of Coffee” (See previous post).  So when one of my Facebook friends happened to see this probably-unhealthy addiction for that rich, dark goodness and asked if I wanted to try some samples of Organo Gold, I said “Well, YEAH!”  As luck would have it, the little packets came in the mail the very day I ran out of coffee at home. (I had forgotten to pick some up at the store – so my addiction clearly isn’t full-blown!)  I opened the packet, and set my one-cupper to brew.  Now please keep in mind that I generally only put cream in my coffee (just to cut down on the acid) but this Café Latte contained cream and sugar, so it was a little sweet for me.  But I have to say, it was totally tasty none-the-less. It mixed sort of like instant coffee (but it’s not), smelled amazing and provided the mandatory caffeine kick I look for in all my coffee products.  As an added bonus it is low acid and contains Ganoderma which is purported to promote health and longevity.  What can be wrong with that?  Plus ist's very portable, so perfect for detecting trips when you're going to need a little warmer or pick me up! So, if you’re a fan of coffee, like I am, hop on over to and check it out for yourself!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

The Religion of Coffee

The brisk morning air causes an involuntary shiver.
I wrap my fingers around a tall coffee, enfolding it in my hands like a precious gift. Heat creeps through my palms and into sleepy digits while I pause, embracing the anticipation, before raising cup to mouth. Pressing eager lips to the rim, the soothing aroma awakens the soul as steam flutters across my skin. Gingerly sucking in the too-hot liquid, I am mindless of the slightly seared tongue. Instead, my focus remains centered on the lifeblood radiating down my throat, warming my belly and stealing into my limbs with heady affection. The remainder will be consumed in an involuntary act, but for this moment, my entire being is enlightened, comforted…sustained. With this, I begin the day in a hopeful, Zen-like calm.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Copyright © 2005 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings blog

Monday, August 10, 2015

Rock Star Metal Detectorists

I'm going to address this once, and once only. I have seen multiple posts complaining about detectorists attempting to become "rock stars" -- insinuating that anyone who would dare disgrace the sovereignty of metal detecting by attempting to bust the stereotype of crusty, crotchety old men digging for rings on the beach, must certainly be in it solely for notoriety.

Let's get real! There has never been, nor will there ever be a detectorist that will reach anything remotely close to rock star status. There isn't anyone out there interesting enough to fill Blossom Music Center or Wembley Stadium based on their detecting prowess alone. None of us are going to get "rich" from our social media popularity.  And I'm fairly certain people are not finding themselves with the proverbial light bulb over their heads and an epiphany that they are going to take up metal detecting because it will lead to fame and fortune.  Only a handful have achieved more than a few moments in the spot light of TV.  This hardly leads to a mansion in Bel-Air and a vacation home in Tuscany. The truth is, each and every one of us was lured into this hobby because we were excited about the hunt. Simple as that!

Facebook and YouTube has brought together people from all walks of life and differing backgrounds--each and every one of us having a passion for digging up history or treasures. To belittle or attempt to undermine someone’s passion simply because they choose to live life out loud while expressing it, is just sad! Social media is changing the face of metal detecting. This is a fact that cannot be denied. The choice is to accept it or hide your head in a hole (Hopefully one with a really cool relic.) until you're old, grey and senile.  It’s not going away!  More and more of us are utilizing social media to demonstrate our love for the hobby and this, my friends, is a GOOD thing!  

For me, music and metal detecting bring out some of my truest, rawest emotions.  When I dig up a relic I am connected to the past just as much as I am when I hear a song on the radio that transports me back in time.  Music and metal detecting are emotionally provocative, not to mention fun (You know that thing, fun?) and I will not apologize for melding the two together.

Incidentally, I don’t need metal detecting to propel me into rock stardom. I, along with the other lovelies who grace the pages of Girls Rock Metal Detecting, were rock stars long before we began swinging a detector--and we have no intention of toning ourselves down for anyone!

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Friday, July 31, 2015

This Detector...That Detector...

I think the most common argument amongst metal detectorists has to be “What’s the best machine?”  Everyone has their favorite(s).  I for one am a big fan of the Garrett AT Pro (as is my good friend Gary over at Heavy Metal Detecting).  Gerald Johnson at Thrills in the Dig, while a fan of the AT Pro now runs a Fisher F75 SE which he is madly in love with.  Meanwhile Lee Jackson at Civil War Miscellaneous Relic Hunters who is usually a Minelab guy is currently running an AT Gold with amazing results.

The perfect machine is based on a lot of things, but it’s mainly personal preference.  A lot of factors go into choosing the right detector.  First, what’s your pleasure?  Are you a coin shooter or do you go for the relics?  Is it jewelry you’re hoping to find?  And where are you hunting?  Do you plan on using it on the beach, in hot soil with high mineralization or are you looking to hunt some fields or woods?
There are other important things to consider as well.  Price is certainly the biggest factor—what’s your budget and which machine is the best bang for your buck?  Weight is also a major concern to some, as are certain features such as whether the detector is waterproof or what discrimination options it offers.  Some even choose a machine based on what color it comes in (Please don’t do this!!!)

The bottom line however, isn’t the metal detector you’re running.  It’s how well you learn it and what it produces.  Let me say that again.  It’s how well you LEARN IT and what it PRODUCES!  If you’re using a beat up detector you scored for five bucks at a garage sale and you’re finding tons of really good stuff with it, who CARES what brand it is!  Get out there and dig those goodies and don’t listen to that dude telling you that you need the latest and greatest four thousand dollar machine because it’s “better”.  If and when you out grow you’re machine, you’ll be the first one to know it.  Trust me on this one!

Girls Rock Metal Detecting on YouTube
Girls Rock Metal Detecting on Facebook

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why Siren Kimmie? Why?

I have been asked a few times during the maiden voyage of Girls Rock Metal Detecting, one simple question.  “Why?”  “Why Girls Rock Metal Detecting?”

Simply put, in the three years I’ve been detecting and involved in the online community assisting others with video recording, editing, narrating, graphic design, marketing and even acting as admin on other groups, I noticed there was no real platform for female detectorists.  While the social media landscape is fully open for women to interact and engage, there was no true standout for the female voice.  Do not misunderstand—Girls Rock Metal Detecting is not some attempt at a big feminist statement (though I am a women which makes me inherently a feminist by my very gender).  More so, Girls Rock Metal Detecting is a place to celebrate women in the metal detecting community, openly and alongside our male counterparts (some of whom are our biggest and truest supporters).  It is a place that pays tribute to the sexy, smart, sassy tomboys and girlie girls who aren’t afraid to get a little dirty. A community where all of the ladies of metal detecting are brought together and promoted*.  A place where detecting vixens can live out loud and rock out with their detectors out without fear of being patronized or ridiculed.  A place free of in-fighting, back biting and drama, where we lift one another up and revel in our passion and enthusiasm for this amazing hobby that brought us all together.  That my friends, is the premise behind Girls Rock Metal Detecting.

*Any ladies submitting clips or photographs will be included in an upcoming Girls Rock Metal Detecting video along with a shout-out to their own channel/group or project.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Friday, July 24, 2015

One Big Happy Family

A wise person once told me, the metal detecting community is much smaller than you realize. I do believe that to be true in many respects. However the landscape, when placing social media into the mix, is wide and diverse. Metal detecting brings together an eclectic range of people from all over the world. Bakers, bankers, bikers, beekeepers, beauticians (and that’s just starting on the B’s)--coming from all corners of the English speaking world and beyond, meeting to discuss their favorite hobby and share their finds, triumphs and frustrations. In that journey we discover that this group of people, all individuals so very much different from one another, are not so different after all. The passion for uncovering relics, coins and jewelry translates into so much more. A love of history, coin collecting, an adoration for the outdoors, and a strong desire to be stewards of the land upon which we detect and play. This journey has brought me close to people that I would never have gotten to know but for this common interest. People I now consider to be friends and family. Yes, the metal detecting community is a great big family, complete with bickering and great shows of love and support. I am thankful every day for what metal detecting has given me, so much more than a hobby, so much more than a daily history lesson. Metal detecting has brought me to you! And that’s pretty incredible! 

--Siren Kimmie XOXO

Girls Rock Metal Detecting on YouTube
Girls Rock Metal Detecting on Facebook

Thursday, July 23, 2015

GRMD Interview with Deep Digger Dan

Girls Rock Metal Detecting Interviews
Deep Digger Dan

Girls Rock Metal Detecting has officially started interviewing the famous, infamous, soon-to-be famous and wishing-to-be-famous metal detectorists.  We figured we’d start out large and bring you one of the biggest names in metal detecting, Dan Holdsworth, also known as Deep Digger Dan.  If you haven’t heard of him, then you really do need to get out more!  He’s got a thriving YouTube channel and Facebook community and has tackled everything from our beloved hobby of metal detecting, to cooking, wild camping and now, with his latest venture, product reviews.  He delivers an often hilarious frolic through his tales that keeps viewers coming back for more.  OK, let’s get on with it.  We bring you Deep Digger Dan—the man, the myth the legend!

1. Pretend you’re doing an interview for the coolest page on Facebook (Oh, wait, we are the coolest page on Facebook!) tell us, who IS Deep Digger Dan?
It’s easier to say he isn’t Dan Holdsworth. Deep Digger Dan is just a character I created for entertainment. The real Dan, although can be loud and outspoken, is a bit of a quiet loner and keeps himself to himself. Any online activity or videos is always Deep Digger Dan though. He’s goofy, carefree, outspoken and fun and his only care in the world is to try and make people smile/laugh. He’s the best mate I never had.

2. What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
I wanted to be a footballer. Nothing else. Back then I was incredibly fast and played every sport imaginable being the captain of many sports teams. Unfortunately as we hit puberty, the other boys grew muscles and I stayed a tall skinny rake and just couldn’t compete anymore.

3. If you could go back and talk to your 10 year old self, what would you say?
I’d drill it into him not to let life dictate who you are but to be who you are and dictate life. We are under so much pressure as children to do well at school and get a good job and earn lots of money. That doesn't bring happiness. Have a dream and follow it. Dreamers have less stress.

4. What would the title of your autobiography be?
Come On!!..Get In!! That’s what I’m having put on my grave stone and it seems perfectly apt to throw it on the cover of a book too. There’s still too much going to happen in my life to contemplate an autobiography yet though.

5. What has been your strangest life experience?
Strangest and scariest would have to be when my best friend accidentally pushed me off a cliff when I was 18. We were drunk, it was 1am and we decided to go out in the middle of nowhere exploring. Playing around we were pushing each other but didn't see the cliff edge as it was too dark. I broke a couple of bones but limped away. The feeling you have whilst falling for all them few seconds knowing that you must surely die is one never to be forgotten. I landed inside a triangle of 3 large rocks. 2 feet either way and I’d have died.

6. What is “sexy”?
Jennifer Aniston with a mermaids tail…obviously!

7. Here at Girls Rock Metal Detecting, we’re really into music – what song would you say best describes your metal detecting technique?
Way too hard a question. I can’t think of anything sorry. 

8. If you could bring one musician back from the dead, who would it be and why?
Not a musician but a rock star all the same, Jim Morrison. I was introduced to the Doors music at 18 years old and became obsessed with Jim. So much so that I almost changed my name to Dan Jim Morrison Holdsworth. His attitude to life made me the man I am today. Not necessarily a good thing but true.

9. What do you think about when you’re alone?
Have you not seen me ponder in my videos? I think about anything and everything. I think about my good dreams a lot and try to work out how I can bring them into reality. I’m struggling with my reoccurring dream though where I invent chicken milk. I’m the only person who knows how to extract milk from a chicken and make millions from it but so far I’ve only managed to do it in dreams. Yes…I have tried on a real chicken.

10. A billionaire offers you a million dollars to launch your best business idea.  What is this business venture?
Releasing the Deep Digger Dan metal detectors range. I guess that would be my proudest moment.

11. If you could be anyone besides yourself who would you be and why?  And you have to choose someone else, you can’t cop out and say “I wouldn’t choose anyone, I love who I am!” --because that’s just BORING!
Justin Theroux. Not heard of him? He’s engaged to Jennifer Aniston. I don’t think I need to say anymore.

12. Is the glass half empty or is it half full?
It was always half empty until I found metal detecting. Now it is most definitely half full.

13. If you could change ANYTHING about the world we live in, what would it be?
I’d make hatred, lying, cheating and bullying illegal, punishable by a free punch from whoever they did it to.

14. Now for the detecting questions, this is a detecting page after all. What does metal detecting mean to you?
It means I can be a kid again. We unfortunately have to grow up and the dreams of finding a chest of treasure on a desert island fade away. Metal detecting gives me the chance to dream again. The detector is a magic wand and with every bleep I’m one step closer to that life changing treasure. 

15.  If you could spend an entire week detecting one single location, anywhere in the world, where would you be digging and why?
I often get asked this and don't really know the answer. It would definitely be somewhere which hasn’t been detected. Maybe Russia, Vietnam or the grounds of Buckingham palace.

16.  You are six miles deep into the woods and you dig up 100 gold bars.  You only have access to the property for 24 hours and there is no way you can carry them all out at one time. The terrain is such that you cannot access it with any vehicles of any sort, what do you do?
I’d make sure I got some damn good video footage and then just take the few I could carry. I ain’t greedy. It’s not all about the money or value for me. I get more of a buzz uploading a video that I know is going to amaze people. Possessions and money come and go but a video and a memory are forever.

17.  You have found the perfect digging spot, turning up lots and lots of goodies, do you invite your friends to join or do you keep it to yourself?
I guess if they weren’t finding anything I’d have to call them over. I’m always happy for anyone to find the goodies as long as they are found.

18.  You’ve asked a farmer if you can detect his property.  He says, “No, the last person to dig here was a real jackass and left holes and trash all over the place.”  What do you do/say to convince him to allow you to detect his property?
I don’t. I’m the worst person in the world at getting permission from farmers. If a jackass has already spoilt it for you then I can’t see a farmer changing his mind. 

19.  The only predictable question that everyone wants to know so we have to ask it:  What is your all-time favorite metal detector and what do you love about it?
Ooooo that is sooo hard. I don’t think my favourite detector has been invented yet. My favourite so far has to be the XP Deus that I’m using simply because it is wireless and incredibly light. I would like to take them plus points and add them to the pinpointing of the Garrett AT Pro, The discrimination of the Minicab Etrac and the computer technology of the Whites Spectra V3i. Having said that, the Garrett Euroace (350) was the cheapest machine I used and the one I have had most success with.

20. What do you think about Girls Rock Metal Detecting and if you could change anything about it what would that be? (Note: If you’re mean to us well throw rocks at you and call you names.)
I think it’s a great idea. It’s always been a mostly male orientated hobby and I’d love to see more women involved. If I could change one thing it would be to have kept it ‘girls’ only. Your girl members are simply going to be diluted into the background as the men will no doubt takeover all the comments.

Thanks for taking the time out to do this!  It is so very much appreciated!  Is there anything you’d like to add?
If you don’t mind, yes there is. 1734 + 2429. I’ve been stuck on that one for weeks.

© Girls Rock Metal Detecting

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Journey Through Time

Branches crackle and break under careless feet. The pungent smell of decaying leaves, pine and dirt are made more intense by the gently stirring breeze. The heat of the day creeps out of nowhere as refuge is sought in a cool draught of icy water. Spilling a little onto the neck, letting it slowly trickle down, offering a delightful teasing of cold refreshment. An errant strand of hair is mindlessly brushed off the face before another deep drink of the revitalizing liquid. Mosquitoes, birds and crickets compete with a strong echo from the past, silent footsteps of those who came before. A heavy but welcome presence permeates as the souls of yesterday demand attention. They leave behind memories in the form of small discarded or lost relics waiting to be uncovered and once again cherished. But that they could speak their minds and tell their tales, instead leaving more questions than answers and a small token that connects to what once was. A tie that binds to the past while giving reverence to the hallowed ground upon which they traveled, a journey we’ve now taken together.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Check out Girls Rock Metal Detecting at all of these fine establishments:

Copyright © 2015 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Prose and Musings (Excerpts from Kimmie's Old Blog)

A Quiet Moment

Today the sky has a beautiful azure hue, punctuated by soft billowy clouds. There's a strong wind that reminds me of change--It feels like a promise. I close my eyes and let it wash over me. The sun kisses my face with soft adoration. I toss my head back in gentle response. Folding my arms--encircling myself in a protective embrace. Breathing in deeply the warm fragrant air, which hints heavily of last night's rainfall. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I think of him. "Lover..." I whisper, before inhaling his name, the corners of my mouth answer through an acquiescent smile.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Casting Shadows

Birthed by daylight.
Spread across the mind and heart.
He is illusive.
Drifting in unison with the dawdling time.
An apparition masking a cool grayed surface.

He vanishes with the darkness.
A memory. A whisper.
Yet sustaining light keeps its promise.
He returns with radiance
Casting shadows of his own.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Mother Ocean

The pungent salty smell is the first to attack the senses, causing an immediate clearing of the mind. Breathing in deeply as the sea air expands the lungs…Exhale to expel the remnants of the city. Soft white sand creeps between toes as the music of crashing waves hints of her serenity. Gulls squawk their song in response while darting away from foamy breaks along the shore. Her mist clings to downy hair and eyelashes like morning dew on blades of grass. She wreaks havoc on my long mane, creating unruly curls while a perfume of brine covers my skin. Answering her call, I dip my feet into her wetness, her breeze tickling my soul. Walking forward submerging feet, then ankles…Shins…Knees…Thighs…Hastily I dive ahead, skimming just under the surface before rolling onto my back beyond reach of the punishing waves. Her density supports me as I float weightless over the continually swelling, saline surface. She claims me with her tender embrace, allowing me to taste of her energy, experiencing her blissful freedom.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Self Affirmations

She has a friendly face. Her smile brightens up a room. 
Always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. 
Supportive even if she doesn’t always agree with you. 
Faithful to a fault and ready to take a bullet for those she truly cares about. 
She's generous and genuine. She doesn’t know how to tell a lie. 
She cries when she's really happy, sad or angry, but is far from being a whiner or a crybaby. She's much tougher than she's given credit for.
Adversity only makes her stronger.
While she doesn't trust easily, if you're lucky enough to get in, you'll find her heart resting tentative on her sleeve. Break it and you'll have to work hard to get back in.
She believes in second chances but will never be your doormat.
Her biggest heartbreaks are deceit, betrayal and game playing.
You don't have to guess what's on her mind. Ask and she'll tell you.
She never makes promises she can't keep.
She lives her life for herself and those close to her, not for what the world might think.
She laughs easily (especially at dumb jokes) and her laughter is contagious.
She's the kind of person that enriches your life.
She is me.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2006 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 


Return of the Fly

Sometimes I feel like a flying insect too stupid to realize that the glass will stay glass no matter how hard I keep throwing myself into it, hoping I'll get through to the other side.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2005 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's blog Did I Say That Out Loud, Random Thoughts and Musings 

AUGUST 13, 2015

Bring me the people with depth—with layers of shy, awkward insecurity mixed with strength and confidence. The geeks and misfits. The artists, creators of music, prose, paintings, sculptures--those who build things with their hands. The ones who hunger for knowledge. The creative minds who are always thinking, analyzing and contemplating. Seek out conversations with dreamers and those with endless passion about anything and everything. These are the ones who love fiercely and with their whole being. Experience those who shy away from drama but live every single moment in full, beautiful, bombastic emotion. Spend time with the guarded souls who are afraid to trust because they have truly lived and been damaged by the world, but manage to survive in spite of it--Gain their trust and they will take you on a remarkable journey to their truth. Search for the “real” people. The ones who will feed your spirit. They are unique, special--so very rare. If you win them, they will remain in your life for an eternity. Regardless, you will become a better person for having known them.

xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2015 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's Facebook Page


MAY 10, 2016

"I've learned that never ... is not such a long time away.... and will surprise you into becoming someday." -
xoxo Siren Kimmie (HDIC Girls Rock Metal Detecting)

Copyright © 2015 Siren Kimmie (Kim Price) Girls Rock Metal Detecting. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on Siren Kimmie's Facebook page.


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